Sunday, October 31, 2010

APPENDIX- B Suggestion and Recommendation

   Because of the presence of common illnesses and diseases and the spread of infection from different sources plus the sudden change of weather condition and the effect of the polluted environment to the community of Pattani, Respondents particularly the 30 families that were interviewed suggested the following idea:

1. General cleaning of environment

2. Make the body always  fit. Take the following measures to strengthen the body’s resistance against microbes and diseases such as practice and apply daily the following steps:
   a Enough rest                          e. Take vitamins
   b Exercise                                f. Get beneficial vaccine.
   c. Plenty of water in take       g. Have a monthly physical checkup.
   d. Eat vegetable food

Additional   suggestion  and  recommendation;

          That aside from all the given preventive ideas to prevent the spread of diseases , both the respondents and students who made the survey study request for the government assistance  for more health information through a special day health program to local communities which will inform people about new ideas as to how to treat  illments and diseases .
Another recommendation is to give more free physical check up and free vitamins to the local communities and if possible a health care free medicine to the local community.

APPENDIX- A; Survey Instrument and Consent Form


             Student’s Project Study
M- 2/1, 3/1  ( Science and English Integration)
Academic Year  2010-2011
Survey Instrument and Consent form
Please allow the adult ( 18 or older) with the most recent past birthday to complete the survey for your household.

Instruction: Check the blank space inside the parentheses for your answer.
1.What common illness your family had experienced for the past 9months ( January to October) this year?
 a. ( _ ) Colds                   f. ( _ ) Mumps                    k. ( _ ) nausea ( related to other illnesses)                                                                                                                                
 b. ( _ ) Influenza(head ache)     g. ( _ ) Sore eyes        l.  ( _ ) ear infection                                                
 c. ( _ ) Toothache             h. ( _ ) Measles         m. ( _ ) other please specify ________________________                                                 
 d. ( _ ) Constipation       i.  ( _ ) Allergy          
 e. ( _ ) Diarrhea              j.  ( _ ) head ache
 a.(  ) high temperature of body( fever)   f.(  ) frequent urination                  l. (   )  perspire much
 b.(  ) rashes                                             g.(  ) abnormal bowel movement  m (   )  cold
 c.(  ) change color of skin                       h.(  ) head ache                              n. (   )  pain in some body parts
 d.(  ) lost of appetite                                j. (  ) nausea                                   o.  (   ). itchiness
 e.(  ) lost of weight                                  k (  ) vomit                     p. (  ) other specify _______________
3. For how many days ?
   Ans. a. For  _____  days.             b. ____  weeks 
4.Possible source of  infection or diseases ?
   a. (   )   contaminated  food.
   b. (   )   contaminated  water
   c. (   )   acquired from infected person
   d. (   )   insect bites
   e. (   )  from public utensils (fork and spoon, plates, drinking glass, and nail cleaning materials like nail
              cutter and scissor )
   f. (   )  other specify the method _________________________________________________________.
5.Applied remedy method.                
   5.a. __________________   a.(  ) applies herbal medicine
          Name of ailment            b.(  ) seek doctor’s help                                                 
                                                 c (  ) other method , specify_____________________________________
.  5.b.___________________ a. (  ) applied herbal medicine
          Name of ailment            b. (  )  seek doctor’s  help
                                                 c. (  )  other method , specify ___________________________________.
6. Result after remedy was applied. Patient became!  a. (  ) better   b. (  ) worst
7. Comment  after  remedy was applied .a.(  ) good   b.(  ) bad   c.(   ) not sure
8. Name of medicine used   __________________
    a. (   )  modern synthetic medicine ( antibiotic, paracetamol, etc __________)
    b. (   )  traditional herbal medicine. __________________________________.
9. To prevent the spread of diseases or its occurrence, what must be done?
    a. (  ) avoid big crowded places                c.(  ) take more vitamins,vegetable, rest and exercise. 
    b. (  ) general cleaning of surrounding. 
10. Personal Suggestion about ailment’s awareness and remedies.
                                                                                             Name of Family ( Father or Mother )

Section 5 Conclusion


         The study shows that the common illnesses in the community of Pattani are the following: Influenza (headache), common colds, nausea, stomach ache, tooth ache, constipation, sore eyes, diarrhea, dengue and mumps. Upon doing the survey, we discovered additional other diseases namely: Gallstone, gastritis, asthma, gout, nephritis, a plastic blood problem, stress, hypertension, sty and diabetes mellitus. With the conducted study we have learned that the people of Pattani had used different kinds of treatment. Those are the use of modern technology, as per advice and prescription of the doctor and the traditional way of treatment with the use of herbal medicines. An additional information also from the internet was gathered to give both students and concern people the idea as to the source of infection, its symptoms ,period of days of infection, the medicine needed and the method for remedy and treatment of the above given common illnesses found in the local communities of Pattani  province.

Section-4 Result and discussion

                  Result and discussion
   4.1 Health and Environment
        Of the 30 families interviewed ,100% respondents   agreed the relation of clean surrounding, and environment to health. Refer to section 3, sheet 2 last column.
   4.2 Application of Modern Medicine method ,using antibiotic ,analgesics and other doctor’s prescribed medicine over the traditional (herbal medicine ) was the determining factor of remedy to cure illnesses. Refer to section 3 sheet 2
   4.3 Comparison of common illnesses as recorded in the provincial hospital of Pattani for validation of gathered surveyed information.
Common illnesses and diseases recorded in the provincial hospital of Pattani .

 Year 2009

 Year 2010

2.other endocrine nutrition and metabolic disease
2.other endocrine nutrition and metabolic disease
3.Dengue hemorrhagic fever and other mosquitoes bites
3.Dengue hemorrhagic fever and other mosquitoes bites
4.Complication of pregnancy,labor,delivery
4.Complication of pregnancy,labor,delivery
5. Influenza
5. Influenza
6.Other diseases originating in the prenatal period
6.Other diseases originating in the prenatal period
7. Diseases of the blood and blood forming organs
7. Diseases of the blood and blood forming organs
8.Disorder of the thyroid gland
8.Disorder of the thyroid gland
11.Heart Disease
11.Heart Disease
13.Disease of the eye and ednexa 
13.Disease of the eye and ednexa 
14.Disease of the ear and mastoid process
14.Disease of the ear and mastoid process
15.other intestinal infections disease
15.other intestinal infections disease
16. other diseases of the nervous system
16. other diseases of the nervous system
18. Leprosy
18. Leprosy
19.Diabetes Mellitus
19.Diabetes Mellitus
20.Mental retardation
20.Mental retardation

        The data shows a significant relation of data surveyed by the students and the recorded illnesses and diseases of Pattani Hospital.
    2. Influenza

Section-3 Summary


         The Community Health Survey for common illnesses as well as its symptoms, period of days of infection, sources or manner  the diseases  was acquired and its remedies in the local community province of Pattani Thailand in 2010 showed the following information:

1.Common Colds
( 18 Families respondents = 60%   (individual-24% affected)                                                                             
Residents of local Community of Pattani had experienced common colds illness  with the following indication / symptoms of infection – (mathematical formula –No. of affected person/ total No. of patient x 100%)
Had  colds  with fever ----------10 persons - - - 55.5%
Headache                    ---------- 5 persons  - - - 27.7%
Rashes                         ---------- 2 persons  - -   11. %
Period ofdays of infection 
1. 5 persons  were affected for   5 days = 27.7%.
2. 5 persons  were affected for   3 days = 27.7%
3. 3 persons were affected for    2 days  = 16.6%.
4. 2 persons were affected for    7 days = 11%
5. 2 persons  were affected for   4 days =  11%.
With nasal congestion ,runny nose and some sore throat .
Possible sources of infection in diseases of how the person acquired the diseases :
Acquired from infected person - - - - - 10 persons ----- 55.5%
Acquired from public utensils    - - - - - 2 persons ------- 11%
Acquired from drinking contaminated water – 1 person – 5.5%
Acquired from contaminated food ------  1 person  ------       5.5%
3 persons because of weak resistance got infected due to sudden change of
weather temperature 16.6%                     
Remedies applied
  Applied herbal medicine   ----------    10 persons -------55.5%
 Seek doctor’s help             ------------    7 persons  --------38.8%
Result :
18 persons  felt better 100%
100% had good result while some cannot recall the medicine used aside from the           prescribed    paracetamol.
10 persons ----- 55.5% use traditional method (through herbal medicine)
7 persons --------38.8% use modern (synthetic)medicine with the doctor’s advice.
For Prevention:
 7 persons  ----38.3% suggested---- take more vitamins, vegetable, rest and exercise.
5 persons  27.7% suggested ---- avoid big crowded places.
4 persons  22%  suggested----- general cleaning of surrounding.
General Suggestion :
More health information about illments and remedies.                                     
2. Influenza (head ache) 13 respondents = 43% - individual 17.5% with still no clear exact  reason for  specific name of diseases, symptoms  varies from just headache accompanied with nausea that last forLfor observation.
7 persons were affected for-------- 1 day------ 53.81%
6 persons were affected for -------- 2 days -----46.15 %.
Due to sudden change of season ----10 persons ------76.9%.
Due to contaminated water intake -----1 person -------- 7. 69%
Stress / psychological problem --------2 person ---------15.3 %. 
Remedies Applied:
8 persons applied herbal medicine ------- ------------------------61.5 %.
5 persons seek doctors advice and used paracetamol ------38.4%.
11 persons became  better.
2 persons became worst.
Comment after remedy was applied
11 persons   had good health condition  ----------84.6%
2 persons  had became worst --------------------------15%.
Medicine Use   ( paracetamol 15%)
11 persons used traditional herbal medicine.-------  84.6%
2 persons used  modern prescribed medicine ------- 15%.
Later ,It appears that the 13 respondents stated that after using doctor’s prescribed medicine that  they all agreed to take more vitamins, vegetable, take a rest and exercise to build strong resistance.
Personal suggestion: Proper health information were mentioned for awareness and remedies.
3.Nausea ( related to eye problem,fatigue,hangover and sleepless night. 11 respondents among 30 families=36%  -   14.86% -individual affected person.
Vary with no clear exact name of illness accompanied with:
(Symptoms )
Change color of skin  were affected   1 person  -------- 9%.
Vomits                                                   1 person      ------- 9 %.
Plain nausea  for observation              9 persons ---------81.8 %.( for  future                                                                              observation)
Period of Infection:
11 persons experience nausea for 2 days – 100%.
Source of infection:
1 from  drinking contaminated water                   - 11%.
1 from sudden change of weather/ temperature – 11%
1 from using public utensils                                 -   11%.
8 - unknown                                                            -   72%.
Applied Remedies
Applied herbal medicine ------1 person------  11%.
Seek doctors help ----------------10 persons ---90%.
Result :
10    persons became better  -----90%.
 1 person became worst       ------ 9%.
Comment after remedy was applied:
10 persons had good health ----- 90%
1 person had bad health ------------ 9 %.
Medicine Used ( paracetamol )  90%.
10 persons used modern synthetic doctor’s prescribed  medicine
                                   (paracetamol and antibiotic ------- 90%.
1 person used traditional medicine result is bad  -------- 11%.
Personal Suggestion:
More observation for for the medicine used and the physical condition of body.

4.Stomach ache – 9 respondents among (30 families)-30%         symptoms :  individual 12%Headache - ----- 3 persons  ------ 33.%
Nausea --------   3 persons -------33%.
Frequent urination --- 1 person – 11%.
Lost appetite -----         1 person – 11 %.
Lost weight -------------   1 person -  11%
Record of infection:
7 persons were affected for  7 days ----77.7%.\
2  persons were affected for  2 days ---- 22%
Sources of infections/diseases.
3 persons acquired from eating contaminated food---33%
3 persons acquired  diseases after using public utensils- kitchen utensils --33%.
1 person acquired from drinking contaminated water ---11%.
2 persons acquired from unknown sources ------             22%
Applied remedy method
4 persons used herbal medicine  ------------------44%.
5 seek doctor’s help ------------------------------------55%,
Result after remedy applied
6 persons condition became better -------66.6%.
3 persons condition became worst --------33%.
Comment on  applied remedy.
6 persons ------good -------66.6%.                     3 persons-------not sure ----33%

Medicine use(method)
All respondents even those who use herbal medicine  also use modern prescribed medicine.
Antibiotic and medicine for the stomach   9 persons – 100%.
To prevent the spread of diseases – they all agree to take more vitamins ,vegetable, take a rest and exercise.
Comment:   awareness of the food you eat.
 5. Toothache : 3 respondents 3 persons with toothache -10% that                                           last for 3 days.   individual person 4%
Source of infection: through the sweet food they ate and failure to brush                    their teeth.
For Remedy
3 persons sought doctor’s advice –10%
Result –They felt  better and good after remedy was applied. All used modern            doctor’s   prescribe medicine.
Comment: Cleaning of body and teeth and proper care of self and awareness              of food eaten was prescribed.
6.Constipation : 3 respondents (from 30 families)-10%
                   with headache symptoms that last for 2 days.  ( individual 4%)
Source of infection
                  improper food intake.
Applied remedy method
                 2 persons  seek doctor’s help ------ 6.6%
                 1 person use herbal medicine ------- 3%.
Result  after remedy was applied.
2 persons  better------- 6.6%.
1 person  felt worst -------  3%.
Comment after remedy was applied
For 2 persons- good effect  ----- 6.6%
For 1 person – not sure            ------ 3%.
2 persons used modern prescribed medicine ---- 6.6%.
1 person used traditional method --------                 3%.
Suggestion: There should be proper information on how to take medicine ,
Proper care of the bodies and the way to take  food specially laxative food or
with fiber.

7.Sore eyes ( reddening of eye due to infection) – 2 respondents-10%- 4% individual affecgted person)  2.7% individual.
 Symptoms-  3 persons experienced headache (10%)and itchiness on eye-                         lids with not clear  vision that last for 3 to 5 days.
Source of infection:
3 respondents were exposed to infected persons and dirty surrounding .(10%).
The same respondents sought doctors help and  felt better-10%
Comment after remedy was applied – good                                      
   3 persons used modern prescribed antibiotic for eye infection-10%
All the respondents agreed to avoid big crowded places and take more vitamins, vegetable, enough rest and exercise to have strong body resistance and prevent the spread of stated ailments.                                                            For suggestion: Respondents suggest more information for awareness and prevention remedies.

 8.Mumps 1-respondent 2%   2.7% individual affected person
Symptoms Fever, swollen and reddening of jaw for 4 days to week.
Source of infection- Salivary  gland  infection.
Applied remedy method- seek doctor’s help.
Comment after the remedy was applied -  good.application.
Method applied- Antibiotic, modern medicine
Suggestion Take more vitamins, eat vegetable ,enough rest and exercise.

9.Dengue – ( 2 respondents among 30 families ) 6.6%  individual-2.7%
Symptoms-  fever with rashes – 2 persons – 6.6%,last for weeks and acquired from mosquitoes to bites. Both respondents sought doctor’s help for which the result turns better.
Comment: after the remedy applied or doctor’s help( hospital confinement) is good 100%.
To prevent the spread  of the said diseases ,both repondents  agreed for the hospitalization of patients, general cleaning of surrounding and strong body resistance through enough rest, vitamins, vegetable intake and daily exercise.
Personal Suggestion; Local health department must help to inform to the local communities about diseases, free fogging and free vitamin supply.   
10.Diarrhea    2 respondents 6.6%    individual – 2.7%
Symptoms : stomach ache , frequent bowel movement . (L.B.M) lose bowel movement.
Period of infection- 1-2 days
Source of infection – From contaminated food or water.
For remedy- both respondents sought doctor’s  help.
Result- Felt better.
Comment- the method was good.

Medicine and method used – Immodiun , ยาแก้ท้องเสีย (ya-kae-tong-     sea)with antibiotic if it became worst. Modern method through doctor’s advise.
Suggestion; More action for all restaurant,food store to make their food clean and safe and for the regional health department to guard and check food  business establishment.
Of the recorded common illnesses from 30 families,3 respondents added-

disease which can be also use for data purposes.
. Diabetes Mellitus 3 respondents among 30 families, 3 persons-10% experienced  headache , dizziness ,sweatiness and muscular weakness for more longer time for severe situation of effect.
Possible sources of illness- 3 person (10%) acquired it because of uncontrolled  sweet food intake.
For remedies- Patient used both herbal medicine and seeks doctor’s help.
Result for 3 persons (100%) felt better.
Comment for now the remedies applied was good.
Medicine and method used- The same respondents keep using herbal medicine to lower blood sugar from food intake.
SuggestionTo prevent its severe effect, there should be control of sweet food intake. Follow doctor’s advice and more information about the said illness.
Aside from the 10 illnesses written above, an additional recorded Diseases experienced by members of each family when interviewed which can be use for an additional information and study.
Note:(Additional gathered data of illnesses with 1-respondents each)
The following illnesses report showed only 1 respondent from the 30 families interviewed. Legend for the last column
a. Avoid crowded places.   
b. General cleaning of surrounding  Each has one   respondent  for 1%.                       
c. Take vitamins, eat vegetable                                                                    

enough rest and exercise.   Section 3, sheet 2               


Period days of infection
Source of infection

Applied remedy method

Result after remedy was applied
Comment after remedy was applied
Medicine used method

a. b. c.


Stomach ache,nausea,sweatness
1 week
Contaminated water and food
seek/doctor’s advice medicine
 Felt better (for a while)
Antibiotic,intended for the said problem

Stomach ache, vomits
2 days
Manner of eating food
 Same above
Same above
Same above
modern method


2 days
Eating contaminated food
Seek doctor’s help
Same above
Same above
Sneeze,difficulty in breathing
Unclean surrounding
Seek doctor’s help.
Same above
Same above ventulin
                                                         a. b. c                                               

Swell and pain over joints of the body
 No specific number of days                     

Seek doctor’s advice
Same above
 Prescribed medicine for the said problem


Head ache,cardiac over strain
No specific days
Includes food,internal problem
Seek doctor’s help
Same above but needs obsevation
Good but needs obsevation
Modern method


(blood problem)

Fatigue ,muscular weakness

1-more weeks
Genetic,food,internal ,internal problem of the body system
Seek doctor’s help.
Felt better for now

Doctor’s prescribed medicine,( not mentioned by respondent)



Head ache,sweatness
Work, surrounding ,emotional problem
Seek doctor’s help or psychiatrist
felt better
Stress tabs and other prscribed modern medicine


Head and back pain,dizziness muscular weakness.
no particular number of days.
Surrounding,inner psychological etc.
Seek doctor’s help method
Felt better for awhile
Medicine to lower blood pressure

Head ache
No specific no.of days given
Modern method.had sought  doctor’s help.
Felt better
Modern method of prescribed medicine,antibiotic)



back pain, difficult in breathing,dizziness.
No sprcific number of days given by respondent
Surrounding,genetic,too much drinking of hard beverage, weather .
Modern method with doctor’s advice.
 Felt better
(for awhile)
With doctor’s advice ,antibiotic and vitamins for the lungs.
