Sunday, October 31, 2010

APPENDIX- A; Survey Instrument and Consent Form


             Student’s Project Study
M- 2/1, 3/1  ( Science and English Integration)
Academic Year  2010-2011
Survey Instrument and Consent form
Please allow the adult ( 18 or older) with the most recent past birthday to complete the survey for your household.

Instruction: Check the blank space inside the parentheses for your answer.
1.What common illness your family had experienced for the past 9months ( January to October) this year?
 a. ( _ ) Colds                   f. ( _ ) Mumps                    k. ( _ ) nausea ( related to other illnesses)                                                                                                                                
 b. ( _ ) Influenza(head ache)     g. ( _ ) Sore eyes        l.  ( _ ) ear infection                                                
 c. ( _ ) Toothache             h. ( _ ) Measles         m. ( _ ) other please specify ________________________                                                 
 d. ( _ ) Constipation       i.  ( _ ) Allergy          
 e. ( _ ) Diarrhea              j.  ( _ ) head ache
 a.(  ) high temperature of body( fever)   f.(  ) frequent urination                  l. (   )  perspire much
 b.(  ) rashes                                             g.(  ) abnormal bowel movement  m (   )  cold
 c.(  ) change color of skin                       h.(  ) head ache                              n. (   )  pain in some body parts
 d.(  ) lost of appetite                                j. (  ) nausea                                   o.  (   ). itchiness
 e.(  ) lost of weight                                  k (  ) vomit                     p. (  ) other specify _______________
3. For how many days ?
   Ans. a. For  _____  days.             b. ____  weeks 
4.Possible source of  infection or diseases ?
   a. (   )   contaminated  food.
   b. (   )   contaminated  water
   c. (   )   acquired from infected person
   d. (   )   insect bites
   e. (   )  from public utensils (fork and spoon, plates, drinking glass, and nail cleaning materials like nail
              cutter and scissor )
   f. (   )  other specify the method _________________________________________________________.
5.Applied remedy method.                
   5.a. __________________   a.(  ) applies herbal medicine
          Name of ailment            b.(  ) seek doctor’s help                                                 
                                                 c (  ) other method , specify_____________________________________
.  5.b.___________________ a. (  ) applied herbal medicine
          Name of ailment            b. (  )  seek doctor’s  help
                                                 c. (  )  other method , specify ___________________________________.
6. Result after remedy was applied. Patient became!  a. (  ) better   b. (  ) worst
7. Comment  after  remedy was applied .a.(  ) good   b.(  ) bad   c.(   ) not sure
8. Name of medicine used   __________________
    a. (   )  modern synthetic medicine ( antibiotic, paracetamol, etc __________)
    b. (   )  traditional herbal medicine. __________________________________.
9. To prevent the spread of diseases or its occurrence, what must be done?
    a. (  ) avoid big crowded places                c.(  ) take more vitamins,vegetable, rest and exercise. 
    b. (  ) general cleaning of surrounding. 
10. Personal Suggestion about ailment’s awareness and remedies.
                                                                                             Name of Family ( Father or Mother )

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